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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice Skate Sharpener, handheld, THE SKEDGE

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I've herd of a hand held sharpener not sure the name and it cost 20 bucks and it actaully made a difference you stil have to get them sharpened but if they re dul a little bit swipe it a couple times and ur good to go>

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Handheld sharpeners are usually alright to remove minor imperfections and nicks in the skate blade but their not a replacement for regular sharpenings. They may extend the time you need to resharpen your skates but you'll still need to get them resharpened to get maximum performance from them.

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i have a skate mate.  bought it for $15(usd) at my lhs.

how's it?

doesnt replace sharpenings, but it lengthens the time in between them

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Well, I'm not sure... but this product sounds like a sweet stick. I "discovered" something like it a while back "the skate mate" I believe, and wondered how in the world I had managed to completely miss such a cool product.

Literally, the next DAY, I came across this thread on MSH, we had a good laugh about my "miracle product" and I promptly threw it in the knife drawer, where it has done a fine job keeping my knives sharp every since.

Sweet Stick thread

Pinned in the Equipment section is this thread on a miracle stone. It's what JR recommends using, and it works great.

Miracle Stone thread

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