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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Goalie heaven Shipping ?

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Does anyone have any experience with Goalie Heaven shipping to US for ebay items? I asked for a quote but wondered if anyone has had good or bad experiences with Goalie Heaven shipping and their fees for shipping. Thanks.

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There is 2 things about your pants.

#1- The shipping cost in Canada is way higher than yours in US with USPS. i.e:You pay 3.95us to ship a 50 inch long shaft to Canada, and i paid on average 12us to ship the same shaft to USA. You see the difference.

#2-It could have been stock on the border,custom.That why it took more long.

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I can only speak for me as a Canadian. I have dealt with them once before. I bought a Vancouver Canucks 2nd's jersey from them at a good price. Shipping was around 10 bucks I believe, if my memory serves me well. They were very fast and courteous as you have to call them and pay using a credit card while on the phone with them as they don't accept Paypal. From my experience with them I recomment them, at least for Canada.

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I'm looking at a piece of equipment, not a stick. I just don't want to win the auction and then they charge an outrageous amount of money for shipping. I have contacted them for a quote but have not gotten a reply yet.

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They can be a bit slow to respond to e-mails.. specially if you sent it over the weekend as I think they are closed for business on weekends and probably have quite a few e-mails to respond to on Monday mornings. Try calling them instead. I believe they have a 1 800 number somewhere.

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Thanks for the great idea! It makes more sense than sitting around waiting for the response. Much appreciated!!

DS I don't live too far from them , If you need anything picked up from them than shipped at a cheaper price , I could likely help you out , just let me know


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Two thumbs up to Goalie Heaven. I just got the quote for shipping to US and it was very reasonable. Thanks also to everyone who added to this thread.

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I'm not sure about their shipping, but my experience with them was very poor! I bought a set of 502s which they mounted Ls holders on. The mounting job was just plain wrong. I had to have jimmy work his magic on them, the soles were swiss cheese, but after being repaired them worked fine. The fine folks @ goalie heaven were not interested in helping me out. They offerd to give me a discount on a piece of equipent. They did give me a deal on a set of shoulder pads, but made up for it in the shipping. I won't be using the again!!

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