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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replace holders...

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hey everyone i have a question.... how much do you thin it would cost to get a pair of ls2 on your rbk 9k pumps... lke if you walk into your lhs and ask them to put holders on that you already have... cause im gonna buy l2 power holders for my rbk's...Thanks alot in advance

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sorry to somehow hijack this thread...

are the rivets that u use the same as the one that u could purchase

in regular hardware shops?


(sorry for the hijack)

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yup! someone might charge you more for the service if they have to drill, but that should be around the price for rivets.

I've never seen skate sized rivets at a hardware store, but I've never really looked either. someone else may know.

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Most shops will charge by the rivet with each steel rivet for $1 and each copper for $2 but it really varies from store to store. There's been a few threads on this in the roller hockey forum. Generally most reasonable shops will remove your old holders and mount new ones for around $30 assuming no major issues come up. This is of course assuming you're providing them with the new holders to mount...

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hmmm... is the middle part of it hollow (the thing that looks like a tube)? coz if it is... hardware stores sell something like it... i dunno abt the quality... or if they have copper or something...

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The rivets used on hockey skates and inline skates are much different to standard Pop rivets which you by in a local hardware store.

Pop rivets, create like a mushroom head inside your skate, which can be uncomfortable.

This also increases the size of the hole in your skate holder and the sole of your skate.

Here in the UK i have had plenty of skates to repair which has just been carried from our local rink, and they have fitted pop rivets.

The proper skate riviter, compresses the tubed rivet and forms a clenched fit (take your inner sole out and have a look). The copper rivet is stronger, but uses the washer and compression method to hold the rivet in place, after driving it home.

Please take your skates to an approved LHS to let them undertake the work, and dont use POP RIVETS or you may face even more expense in the long run!

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i asked my lhs about how much it would cost to mount ls on my 7000's and they said it would be $64 aka the cost of the holders. id be buying the holdrs from then so they said theyd mount them for free.

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