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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NARCh Finals

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So now that the NARCh schedule is out and I realize thats I havge 3 games before 8 am on seperate days I may be regretting my decision to play. Anyways who is everyone playing against. Heres who I have:

Midget Gold

NorCal Mavericks

Tour Breakaway

NorCal Evolution

101 Cent

Junior Gold

NorCal Riot

Mission Revision Raiders

Los Angeles Demons

Revision Devil Dogs

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I'll be going to the narch finals with Tour Breakaway 89's Grey. We play:

Bantam Gold

Cincinnatti Storm

RBK Patriots Red

Detroit Radiation

AKS Mission 90's

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I'll be going to the narch finals with Tour Breakaway 89's Grey. We play:

Bantam Gold

Cincinnatti Storm

RBK Patriots Red

Detroit Radiation

AKS Mission 90's

Dangles, after watching you play in detroit, your to good for breakaway 89 grey. we beat them pretty easily by about 3 and we were just in AA.

And watch out for # 15 on the cincy storm. theyre not a very good team, but # 15 named "O'Leary" is the biggest cheap shot ive played against in my life. last year he crosschecked a guy from behind into the boards.

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Wow. Thanks for the compliment All Torhs Team. Im actually a '90 and there was no room on the breakaway 90 team so they said i could play on 89 grey.

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