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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Laying a slate sidewalk

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Sidewalks don't actually HAVE to be level do they - LOL

I'm putting in a sidewalk sometime around 6.30 tomorrow morning if it isn't raining hard - slate pieces approx 2' x 1 1/2'.

Yes, I've dug it out and have laid in 4x4 beams for edging, a weed barrier and a bed of screenings. And it is solping away from the house.

The last time I did something like this it was a real "piece of work" getting each brick level or even with each other - but those bricks were a lot lighter than these slate slabs so it wasn't so bad doing finnicky leveling.

Are there any tricks to this - or does it really just come down to "scootching" more screenings under each slab until it is level?

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you'll need some sand under them to level it off, if it wasnt so late id go in the garage and look, but the trick is sand under the pavers to make it level

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PACK PACK PACK PACK PACK! A good compacted base makes all the difference in the world for having a sidewalk that will not sink.

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