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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone seen teamlabeda on here in a while? I noticed his last post was June 20th. I have tried contacting him regarding my Genesis wheels but have gotten no response. They sent me new wheels and two of the new ones are now cracked. I even tried contacting higher people at labeda with no response.

Any suggestions besides buying new wheels?

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I am pretty sure Teamlabeda is busy this summer. Summer is by far the busiest season for roller and I would assume he is traveling around to TORHS and NARCH and State Wars, all the while dealing with all the labeda sponsored teams.

I know its annoying dealing with those Genesis wheels, I had the same issues. But I would be patient, Labeda has given me great customer service when I've dealt with this issue and I am sure they'll hook you up for your defective wheels.

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Do you have someone else I can contact to get new wheels, I play every sunday and don't want one to go out on me while playing.


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i have been waiting like 5 months for my wheels to arrive. I sent mim a msg 2 weeks ago and he said he was going to make sure they were sent out asap for me but i still havent got them. i sent him a couple messages last week and have not heard back from him either

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Do you have someone else I can contact to get new wheels, I play every sunday and don't want one to go out on me while playing.


here is your answer... contact mr. epuck.com and ask for our best friend mr. rinkrats... B)

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i have been waiting like 5 months for my wheels to arrive. I sent mim a msg 2 weeks ago and he said he was going to make sure they were sent out asap for me but i still havent got them. i sent him a couple messages last week and have not heard back from him either

I've been going on 2+ years for a set of Milleniums.

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