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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Laces on 2006 missions

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No there are differences. My favorite are the Graf lightly waxed laces.


Graf Laces > All.

Thank god i've got enough to last me a lifetime.

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While on the subject of laces, what is everyone's preference to laces: waxed or unwaxed, and why?

I use unwaxed laces, but wonder why some use waxed laces.


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Waxed laces hold tighter, longer. They also limit the fraying of the laces. I used to use white waxed. Pretty good. The first couple of times wax gets all over the place. But after that, they're all good. How long the wax stays on and actually holds tight the way they're supposed to is completey beyond me. I'd say you have at least 5-10 lace ups where they hold true. After that, I'm not sure there is much difference between unwaxed and waxed.

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Bauer Waxed are very close to the Graf waxed. One LHS near me carries graf and the other carries bauer. the one that carries the bauers used to carry the A&R which I don't like. They're nylon, not cotton, which seems to cause more lace bite because the laces are a bit thinner. They also didn't seem to last as long or resist getting all twisted and rolled up as well as the others.

In case you haven't guessed it yet, I use waxed. and swear by them. I never even used the laces that my skates came with- I bought waxed at the same time as the skates. They're easier to tighten the skates and seem to hold better and last longer.

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