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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attention all hockey shop owners

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All hockey shop owners on this site who are selling the supreme one90 skates can you tell me if you have a size 6 D avaiable for sale and if so how much ? I need some skates hard core. Please contact me if you do so we can do business. All my local shops are sold out of the size.

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whats the difference between getting them off here and getting them online at e.g epuck?

Rather have a store owner here have the sale then the big corporation. lol support the local hockey store.

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Rather have a store owner here have the sale then the big corporation. lol support the local hockey store.

Wow, to be honest I was kind of annoyed with your post until you wrote that. :ph34r:

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i'm pretty sure rousseausports.com has them and your living in canada so it could be good.

Glad you mentioned that. My pops is driving up to MTL tomorrow for some business so hopefully he can work somethin out, I know they have a huge store there. Thanks for the heads up !

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Is that Sports Rousseau also in Quebec? I went to one in Quebec that looked similar to the picture on the right of the site and they were loaded. It's the one with the oversized goalie equipment and each stick has its own rack.

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whats the difference between getting them off here and getting them online at e.g epuck?

Rather have a store owner here have the sale then the big corporation. lol support the local hockey store.

thats very commendable

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Well the store in MTL hooked me up with a size 6 ! I am quite positive I got the last size 6 in Canada haha. Mad props for their costumer service ! They will have my business again for sure. Can't wait to skate on these bad boys.

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Is that Sports Rousseau also in Quebec? I went to one in Quebec that looked similar to the picture on the right of the site and they were loaded. It's the one with the oversized goalie equipment and each stick has its own rack.

L'entrepôt du hockey.

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