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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need new skates

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I finally figured out that my 703's that i've had for ~6 months don't fit correctly. The arch is too low and the heels are too narrow, those are the only problems.

So, any suggestions on what line of skates could fit me? Basically I have a moderate instep and normal heels I guess.

I'll obviously go try some on but I want to know what to look at first.


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  hocckey77 said:
I finally figured out that my 703's that i've had for ~6 months don't fit correctly. The arch is too low and the heels are too narrow, those are the only problems.

So, any suggestions on what line of skates could fit me? Basically I have a moderate instep and normal heels I guess.

I'll obviously go try some on but I want to know what to look at first.


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703 has a high arch that shouldnt be an issue.

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If you want to stick with graf, try on the 705. The heel is wider than the 703 and it fits a little bit deeper.

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