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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hogs 25

R2 xn10 shaft

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Anyone know where to get a whip flex R2 xn10. Epuck had some but I waited until I got paid that they don't have any according to their website. LHS around here either never carried the shaft or did not stock the whip flex.

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i was in cali for the last two weeks and i spent a lot of time at Hawk Hockey (hockeymonkey.com) and they had at least two R2 XN10 in whip flex.

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Good luck.. r2 xn10 whip flexes have ALWAYS been rare.. Even when they were in production.

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why not just getting the new r2 armor?or the v130(tapered) in mid flex..

I will probably go with the R2 armor if that is the most similar to the r2 xn10. I ordered an R2 xn10 from hockeygear.com but got an email saying they did not have any whip flex.

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it depends if you want the r2xn10 because you don't like grip or you want the ligthest thing out there.

I've been playing with a r2xn10 paired with a synthesis for 1 years and i didn't feel i was using the ligthest stick out there LOL.

If grip doesn't mather for you. i would really suggest to get a VAPOR XV int flex or like i said a V130 mid flex.If not you can go wih the new armor line maybe they could be good for you(can't say anything, i never saw them in person)

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Good luck.. r2 xn10 whip flexes have ALWAYS been rare.. Even when they were in production.

Really? How in the hell did I end up with 4 of them then. I guess I was just in the right palces at the right times.

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why not just getting the new r2 armor?or the v130(tapered) in mid flex..

I will probably go with the R2 armor if that is the most similar to the r2 xn10. I ordered an R2 xn10 from hockeygear.com but got an email saying they did not have any whip flex.

The R2 armor is a brick compared to the R2 xn10 (100g difference in weight for you gear junkies). Check out www.thehockeyshop.com I believe they have a few whips around in store even if it might not say so on their site. Give em a call.

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