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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New custom Skates

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how muchs did those run you anyways? just the cost of the skate + 100 for the custom stuff?

$200 for custom stuff. $150 for options, $50 for embroideries i think.

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hmmm i'm more curious to what that red stuff on the holder is.. is it a piece of plastic that stretches along the entire stretch of the holder and is screwed on to the tblade?

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hmmm i'm more curious to what that red stuff on the holder is.. is it a piece of plastic that stretches along the entire stretch of the holder and is screwed on to the tblade?

Those are called Stabilizers. I believe they hold the runner in place, but I've never had T'Blades, so don't hold me to it.

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hmmm i'm more curious to what that red stuff on the holder is.. is it a piece of plastic that stretches along the entire stretch of the holder and is screwed on to the tblade?

Those are called Stabilizers. I believe they hold the runner in place, but I've never had T'Blades, so don't hold me to it.

Thats correct DeI, they do hold the runner in place. You can get numerous colors or just plain white.

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Wow. Never seen anything like them before. I cannot say I like them or dislike them. You like them which is the only thing that matters really. Congrats on the pair!

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I chose graf because i had 727's and was completely in love! They took 3 1/2 weeks and only cost $125 usd above reatail. I hated the red stabilizers and clip so chrome ones replaced them. Also went custom due to my insane wide fore foot.


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monty python and the holy grail sums up what i think about those skates pretty well.

" Icky Icky Icky fa-tang Goo-Mawsh-ka - Zooo-BOING boo-dah-la"

which means of course, i don't find them attractive

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