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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis fitting question

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Yes, that will fit nicely. Speaking of Synergy skates, how do they fit? I found some 1300Cs at the Cooler today for $215. They had size 8D and 10.5D, and I am a 9.5 CCM and Bauer, so my best bet would be the 10.5D...but... I tried it and when i pushed my foot in with the skate loose, there was a slight 1 cm gap in my heel. Do you think I could still get them to fit?

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As the saying goes, you can make a skate bigger, but never smaller. So its Unlikely that you will be able to get rid of that 1cm gap. But I've never used synergies so I dont know if they're any different.

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I don't think it would be a wise investment unless someone else wanted them, and in that case, I could make, say, $20 on them? I really want a pair though. I was browsing the clearance section the other day at hockeygiant, and I got lucky and found 8090s in size 9, so I ordered them. They didn't come for a week and a half, so I called, and apparently, they didn't actually have them in that size. I, personally think that's a load of crap; someone who worked there probably found it and took it for himself.

Pisses me off, because I need a new pair of ice skates.

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Same thing happened to my friend when he ordered a Vapor XXX on clearance a couple of months back. After 2 weeks he called, and they wound up sending him a XXX lite for the same price. Another guy got a Z bubble grip when he had ordered an Ultralie Grip on sale.

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