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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey stick protection

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Recently I have been seeing alot of hockey sticks that seem like they have been spray painted near the bottom of the shaft. I was told this is the same material used for protect to and it is put on the stick to reinforce the shaft. Is this true?

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Never heard anything about this being done for protection. I've used blacktoe on blades when they wear at the bottom, but haven't seen it done on shafts. I think if someone used blacktoe all over the bottom of their shaft it would make the stick too bladeheavy and really throw off the balance. Lots of guys use regular black spraypaint on the bottoms of their sticks to "hide"the puck from goalies, the way that forwards use black tape (and defensemen use white so that their own goalie can see the puck better) It's pretty much all PP anyway.

edit: I could see someone using blacktoe for paint chips that have gone through the kevlar on a shaft, but again, it would be too heavy to coat the shaft with. Renfrew makes a "Shaft Saver" tape for this as well, but I don't know of anyone who has used it.

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I've never heard of using it to protect the stick either. I think people mainly do it for looks and some think they can see the puck better when its on their stick.

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