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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Intel > Advanced Micro Devices

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its a see saw. each company owns the desktop market for a year or so then it goes back. amd has had their reign and before that it was intel for a bit with the p4EE and before that it was AMD with the original Athlon. The loss of the so-called crown is due to either company working on new groundbreaking tech. Intel has been working on these proc's since AMD took over, then it'll reverse. The two companies have grown far too even for one to bankrupt the other.

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Intel got caught with its pants down with the P3 and the P4. They had no answer to the Athlon, so they released a hacked up version of the P4 and have been playing catch up it seems until now.

That being said, whats a few seconds more processing time in the grand scheme of things. I find it funny, I have a dualie 1.2 Athlon mp at home and it runs everything I throw at it. I have a P4 3.2 gig with hyperthreading at work. I am still bottlenecked by the network I pull my queries from...I think we are all still waiting for the "killer" app that makes upgrading worth it....unless you play a lot of high end games...

Until then, they can tweek the memory controllers, lower the power consumption, add a couple more processors onto one chip all they want...it doesnt really justify spending 500 to a grand to update something that takes a minute or so longer to process.

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The problem that Intel had with the P4 was its archetexture, the Netburst sucks. Too long of pipelines, and even a 50% higher clock didn't help to alleviate.

P3 just didn't have the clock speed, and fwiw, Conroe is based on the P3 and PM chips.

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