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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need a favour

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i want to buy these synergy 1500 off ebay but the seller doesnt sell to canada could someone bid on them.. buy it now and ill use my paypal to pay? let me know.. if the person is interested in any of the sticks that i have for sale... if the person buys it with there money i will make them a trade for the skates.. if there interested i will give you a almost brand new xxx lite and some money let me know if you can do this or who you want to do this.

Thanks alot in advance!

EDIT: or i will give them a synergy II shaft and a xxx lite.

ill also throw in some money to so that equals to 2 sticks and money for skates worth 200 shiped


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I didn't even look at the shipping options so I assume that I got the cheapest one.  The total price is 187.99

ok great!.. ill send you the payment tomorow because tomorow i will have my paypal account up n verified.... how much do u think it is to ship the skates rom your place here?15$ if so ill just send 200$ to your paypal account

ok great!

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