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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-bake Skates to Stiffen Them?

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I have a pair of CCM Vector Pros from June 2004. They have softened up to the point that the heels, just above the outsole, are "hand-squishable". It has been like this for the past few months.

Would re-baking stiffen the skates, or would it make them even softer?


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Really the only thing you could do to get stiffer skates is to buy new ones. Baking breaks down the skate as does skating in them for long periods of time it would just make it worse. Im suprised the skates lasted you as long as they have i had vector 7.0's which broke down extreamly quickly.

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OK, thanks for the responses guys. I guess that I will be using my new skates soon.

I'm a lightweight (165 lbs), so that explains why they have lasted so long. The middle parts softened up after a few months, but the heels only recently. The outsole ripped off / delaminated when I do starts and stops, but I was able to glue them back together.

These were my first pair of new skates ever (I was 37 when I got them), and the most comfortable and best performing. I will miss them.

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