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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX Skates as spare/backups?

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I've been thinking about maybe getting some Vapor XX's real cheap now from somewhere like hockeymonkey.com, before there aren't any left.

Now before you all get on my case about my LHS, I just got new Vapor XXX's from there.

I am just thinking that having an extra pair of GOOD skates around can't hurt. The Vapor XX's were top of the line just a couple yrs ago. I recently had to skate in a brand new but OLD style pair of CCM's (652 Pump Tacks) while my XIX's were shipped back to Bauer due to a mismounted holder. I was lucky to have them but they killed my feet and will be getting sold this fall. (anyone interested?)

If the XX's aren't being used and abused regularly then I wouldn't think durability would be an issue for me. I had Vapor THG's, which are close to XX's, but not as light. Also, I didn't go directly from them to XXX's. I had the XIX's for a year.

Can someone who went directly from XX's to XXX's tell me how the transition was?

I don't want to spend the $$ if I wouldn't be totally comfortable going back and forth from XXX's to XX's.


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I've been thinking about maybe getting some Vapor XX's real cheap now from somewhere like hockeymonkey.com, before there aren't any left.

Now before you all get on my case about my LHS, I just got new Vapor XXX's from there.

I am just thinking that having an extra pair of GOOD skates around can't hurt. The Vapor XX's were top of the line just a couple yrs ago. I recently had to skate in a brand new but OLD style pair of CCM's (652 Pump Tacks) while my XIX's were shipped back to Bauer due to a mismounted holder. I was lucky to have them but they killed my feet and will be getting sold this fall. (anyone interested?)

If the XX's aren't being used and abused regularly then I wouldn't think durability would be an issue for me. I had Vapor THG's, which are close to XX's, but not as light. Also, I didn't go directly from them to XXX's. I had the XIX's for a year.

Can someone who went directly from XX's to XXX's tell me how the transition was?

I don't want to spend the $$ if I wouldn't be totally comfortable going back and forth from XXX's to XX's.


The transition was fine for me. I did hear that you might have to drop a 1/2 size going to the 30's.

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You plan sounds like a good one. The XX are a steal right now if you can find them in your size. Most places only have the odd extra large sizes.

I've seen many go from the XX to XXX with no problems.

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