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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking CCMs in a Bauer Oven

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Sorry if this has been discussed, I looked and found nothing. I started working at my rink this summer and so far have been impressing everyone with my knowledge. However, this came up today and I was stumped. We have a Bauer oven, along with a guideline for how long and at what degree to cook every Bauer model at. Some guy brings in his new CCM Vector 6s today and wants to bake them. I told him to come back tomorrow because I didn't want to guess and overcook them, etc. He thought I was stupid, but he is coming back tomorrow.

Does anyone know how long to cook CCM Vector 6s in a Bauer oven for, and at what temp? Thanks.

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hmmm, I would say 4min, just don't know if the bauer oven is stronger or not? Maybe JR has an idea?

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When I worked at my LHS we used a Bauer oven to bake CCM skates. For Vectors I think it was 3 minutes, but I don't remeber what temperature that was at. (I want to say somewhere around 170-175.)

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That oven should be left at 180degress F all the time. Thise skates can take up to 5 minutes but the 4 mentioned before is better. Just hit the button let it heat up pop them in and it will count down just like the bauers. If you ever have a problem with that oven you can contact the manufactuer in Toronto. The company is called Toronto Kitchen Appliances.....or Repair i cant remeber off hand i can look it up.

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I told him to come back tomorrow because I didn't want to guess and overcook them, etc. He thought I was stupid, but he is coming back tomorrow.

I have to give you alot of credit for doing what you did. To many people would have just thrown them in the oven and not worried about it. You actually took into consideration a customer...that is a good thing to do.

I would much rather go back th next day if the person said he needed time to do some research so it could be done correctly.

Keep up the good work!

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