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Mission He150 skates?

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I've currently got a set of 2004 Mission D3 skates, and the back part that protects your lower calf/achilles heel is now ripping off. What a pain. I found a pair of 2006 He150 skates on sale and I'm wondering about them. I know they're only one step up from beginner/recreational skates in the Mission line. Does anyone have a pair? Can you compare them to the old 2004 D3 skates? Better? Same? Worse? I know one huge improvement will be the lacing system, since the plastic crap that Mission did in 2004 and 2005 royally sucked.

Please, if you have any info lay it on me. I may make the purchase today so long as I wouldn't be taking a big step down in quality.

PS - I'm not an extreme skater, so you know. I'm a somewhat old and not terribly fast defenseman. I play usually 1-2 times a week in an indoor league.

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I'm also looking at the Helium 3500 skates as well.  Any opinions on those would be greatly appreciated!

how much are u looking to spend?

As little as possible, but I don't want to buy a piece of crap either. I've done some research and have concluded that the He150s probably aren't the way to go unless someone on here with first hand experience suggests otherwise. According to ePuck, the 3500s are actually a step down from the level at which Mission had the D3s, but advances in comfort and design would probably actually make them better skates than the D3s.

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The $50 more you will spend on the 5500 is well worth it...A much better chassis, wheel, bearing, and boot...The 3500 is a good skate, but I personally think the $50 for the 5500 is well worth it. Plus, it is available in both D and EE.

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The $50 more you will spend on the 5500 is well worth it...A much better chassis, wheel, bearing, and boot...The 3500 is a good skate, but I personally think the $50 for the 5500 is well worth it. Plus, it is available in both D and EE.

You're just the guy I was hoping would chime in. I've had some serious problems with the achilles guard (or whatever you call that tongue that extends from the back of the boot up your calf) on Mission skates ripping. I had a pair of 2002(?) Proto Si skates that did that, and now my 2004 D3s are doing that. I don't pull on it when putting the boot on, and as far as I know I'm not doing anything that should result in a failure of that part of the boot. Any ideas? I've stuck with Mission skates because I like the rocker design of the chassis and I like the comfort of the boot, but it's discouraging that the rest of my D3s are in great shape, but this one part is falling off.

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To be honest, you must be doing something...If you would have said you had a S500 or a different skate then I would say it was our issue. However, we have changed the construction of the internals on the helium Quatro line of skates. There is dual layer of material on the inside that cannot be ripped.

I have yet to see a Quatro skate with any type of tendon guard issue..

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To be honest, you must be doing something...If you would have said you had a S500 or a different skate then I would say it was our issue. However, we have changed the construction of the internals on the helium Quatro line of skates. There is dual layer of material on the inside that cannot be ripped.

I have yet to see a Quatro skate with any type of tendon guard issue..

What skates are in the Helium Quatro line? Does that include the 3500? I'd love to hear that the tendon guard was stronger on the skate I might buy.

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What skates are in the Helium Quatro line? Does that include the 3500? I'd love to hear that the tendon guard was stronger on the skate I might buy.

Yah, the 3500 is in the Helium Quatro line. The 500 all the way up to the 10000 are all in the Helium Quatro family according to the website.

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What skates are in the Helium Quatro line?  Does that include the 3500?  I'd love to hear that the tendon guard was stronger on the skate I might buy.

Yah, the 3500 is in the Helium Quatro line. The 500 all the way up to the 10000 are all in the Helium Quatro family according to the website.

Right now I'm trying to decide between the 3500 or maybe making the switch over to another brand. Thank you so much for the information. I do appreciate it.

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I have yet to see a Quatro skate with any type of tendon guard issue..

Thats because i havent got around to sending my 7500's back. :huh:

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I have yet to see a Quatro skate with any type of tendon guard issue..

Thats because i havent got around to sending my 7500's back. :huh:


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