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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How many teaspoons?

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Ok, I put my question in the other thread but people are just reading the first page and then responding to an old topic. So here it goes.

Im going to be "loading" for the first week, it says to take 20-30 grams of creatine a day. How many teaspoons or table spoons is that about?

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loading is just the company trying to get you to use more of their product so it runs out sooner and you have to buy more. Just start with the recomended dose. Your body can only hold and absorb so much, theres no need to double up for 5 workouts, then just go to a regular dose.

on a side note, what kind of creatine are you taking?

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i think ur supposed to take more the first few times u take it....i belive it says lik take so n so everyday for a week then once every 3 days after that or sumthing...

you dont need to load. That is just the company trying to get you to use up their product faster so you buy more. Your body can only absorb and hold so much so fast. you just piss the rest out.

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Sorry to jack the thread. A guy mentionned he took Purple K creatine the other day, so I looked it up. It's a creatine that dosen't turn into the toxin creatinine. Aparently no side effects and it's safe. You can take lower doses since 100% of it is useable by your muscles, no waste. I think the reason why creatine is bad for your liver is because of this toxin, right? The name is a bit odd, and the fact that the pills are purple is a bit messed up.

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Yea, turcotte thats the GNC brand stuff I believe. If you want more information look up Kre-alkalyne. The stuff really does work I put on 6 lbs. In a week and increased my lifts pretty drastically. You're right about the creatinine thing, thats what makes it better for you.

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