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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need some help here. I am new to MSH so I am not sure if this has been posted already. Is there a specific curve from any brand ( it HAS to be available in Jr though that is good for wrist shots, slap shots, and stickhandling? I know equipment doesn't make you better, but it certainly helps. I was out of hockey for 3 years. I now have developed into a pretty good player and am going to get a OPS. I like my blades to be open, with a lot of loft. If any of you veterans out there have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of a Mission Rafalski or Leopold.

Thanks Guys, I really appreciate it.

PS- Im 11 years old. :P

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I need some help here. I am new to MSH so I am not sure if this has been posted already. Is there a specific curve from any brand ( it HAS to be available in Jr though that is good for wrist shots, slap shots, and stickhandling? I know equipment doesn't make you better, but it certainly helps. I was out of hockey for 3 years. I now have developed into a pretty good player and am going to get a OPS. I like my blades to be open, with a lot of loft. If any of you veterans out there have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of a Mission Rafalski or Leopold.

Thanks Guys, I really appreciate it.

PS- Im 11 years old. :P

if i were you and i wanted that id go with a forsberg/modano.... i persnoaly think thats exactly what you would want... but i know whats its like to be that age its all about geting the puck top cheese so if thats the case sakic where yea wanna be <_<

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It's all personal preference. For slappers, I like a more closed curve, but for roofing it in close, I prefer more open. A mid to toe curve will be better for stickhandling, but a heel curve would be better for shooting.

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Oh god, slow down on the caps, I almost fell off my chair...

It's pretty much all about personal preference, but I find toe curve are very good for stickhandling and for wrist and snap shots.

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If you need to use JR OPS i think you should still be playing with wood!I switched to composite at 14.and it was a momentum!

#2.you can have a blade that will to get the puck high on slap shot(lidstrom).or better for wrist shot(sakic,iginla). or better for toe-drag, but you can't have a blade that can do anything. a blade isn't a swiss knife loll.

Anyways, in respond to your question I would say that the Iginla is a very good curve,you take the slap shot at the ''heel'' if you want to toe-drag and stuff like this, use the toe,and if you want to have a top-net beeing close to the net,just tip the top with the toe.

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Tried out my new Draper Dolomite lastnight and I've never liked a curve so much before, snap, slap and wrist all where i wanted them... so maybe something similar

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If you are looking for a curve that can do all of these things think about a heel curve with a slightly open face. Easton's Forsberg is a good place to look.Bauer's hossa curve (pm9) is about the same.

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I need some help here. I am new to MSH so I am not sure if this has been posted already. Is there a specific curve from any brand ( it HAS to be available in Jr though that is good for wrist shots, slap shots, and stickhandling? I know equipment doesn't make you better, but it certainly helps. I was out of hockey for 3 years. I now have developed into a pretty good player and am going to get a OPS. I like my blades to be open, with a lot of loft. If any of you veterans out there have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of a Mission Rafalski or Leopold.

Thanks Guys, I really appreciate it.

PS- Im 11 years old. :P

I agree on the Modo/Foppa. But also, for only being eleven years old. You have spectacular grammar and spelling. Welcome!

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Thanks TiCat, I really appreciate that. You guys here at ModSquad rule!! I only posted this 5 minutes ago and there are a ton of replys. Rock On!!!

PS- Im left wing and center :P

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''Is Draper a heel with an open face? I know that I would like it if it is. ''

On the pattern Database it says it is a mid, personally, I've never seen it but it does have an open face.

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''Is Draper a heel with an open face? I know that I would like it if it is. ''

On the pattern Database it says it is a mid, personally, I've never seen it but it does have an open face.

If you want to quote someone just use the quote link in the top right hand corner of every box.

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ive used the yzerman since i began ice hockey and still use,maybe it will be good for you

its great for all shots and dekes

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''Is Draper a heel with an open face? I know that I would like it if it is. ''

On the pattern Database it says it is a mid, personally, I've never seen it but it does have an open face.

If you want to quote someone just use the quote link in the top right hand corner of every box.

Thanks for the info :lol: jharra28

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Good news guys. I got a bargain. I got a 2004 Yellow Synergy Grip. It is Modano, which I guess is the same as the '06 Forsberg. It's really light. Any tips on how to flex a stick. I don't know much about sticks really. I just got it because it was $50 including shipping. What a steal!!!! B)

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Good news guys. I got a bargain. I got a 2004 Yellow Synergy Grip. It is Modano, which I guess is the same as the '06 Forsberg. It's really light. Any tips on how to flex a stick. I don't know much about sticks really. I just got it because it was $50 including shipping. What a steal!!!! B)

not to many tips on how to flex a stick...i think you put pressure on it as if you were taking a shot??? just a guess :D

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

Who the hell was it that bragged about driving over their new Synergys with their dads truck to get warranty replacements?

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

R u serious. Cause that does sound like it would work. Obviously ur not, but would it work?

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

yeah thats how i broke in my first ops!

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

:lol: I got a good laugh reading this.

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

Who the hell was it that bragged about driving over their new Synergys with their dads truck to get warranty replacements?

That would be Thockey

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Any tips on how to flex a stick.

Run over it with your mothers suv or minivan. If she does have one(sedans are not acceptable), put it ontop of 2 cinder blocks and jump repeatedly on the middle. You must break in the shaft with one of these two methods before getting maximum performance out of you're new one piece composite hockey stick.

Best of luck with it.

yeah thats how i broke in my first ops!

:angry: Jon 93, are you actually serious? :o I don't know what to believe on this site

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You don't want to flex a stick unless you're shooting. It weakens the stick and makes it easier to break.

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no,were just messing with you

if your still wondering how to flex a stick this is the best idea i can give you


the more it flex the easier it is to break

if your strong enough, the stick will flex on a good wrist shot and slap shot

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