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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy vs. Pulse

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Hey guys I just got the mission 95 AGs and i'm debating about what stick to get. I have a Synergy 350 right now. I also love the z-bubble if it were bulkier. Which stick would be more like the 350 Hex-1 or Pulse.


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i dont know which one will be like the 350 but the pulse is one hell of a stick

the fell is just amazing get it

I was 50/50 on the Pulse , It felt unbalanced a bit , still a nice stick.

Ever used a Warrior ?

I am dying to try one !

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i dont know which one will be like the 350 but the pulse is one hell of a stick

the fell is just amazing get it

I was 50/50 on the Pulse , It felt unbalanced a bit , still a nice stick.

Ever used a Warrior ?

I am dying to try one !

Warrior shafts are super small...it's like an intermediate shaft radius.

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You want to know what top end stick feels more like a low end fairly crappy stick?

If that's what you want to call it then yes. I don't like paying for high end sticks and it just so happens I can get one for free and wanted to know how they are.

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I know that but I wanted to know which will last longer and which one is about the same dimensions to the 350. I don't want it to fell like a twig with my gloves on. I have that problem with my L-2.

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I thought the Pulse felt squarer, like my XXX-Lite. My M-1 that I had was narrower...

The pulse is rather large and boxy. If you're looking for a boxier shaft go with a pulse.

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