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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor bag

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I know they're not going to be availible to the public until September, but have any "insiders" on the board gotten a hold of one and tried it out?


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There's quite a few posts on this bag. I guess I'm an "insider" but haven't been abl;e to bag (no pun intened) one for myself. I saw it in operation at the trade show. They've since redesigned it, apparently making improvements. Personally, I think this will be the sports product of the year. The technology is sound and the function is perfect. I have dozens presold already.

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how much are these things gonna run people it sounds like a great thing to have for tournaments or away games that are far away where your wet gear would be sitting around for a while.

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how much are these things gonna run people it sounds like a great thing to have for tournaments or away games that are far away where your wet gear would be sitting around for a while.

I Think $129 for the bag and $59 for the power pack is the suggested retail price. Not bad considering a good 40" wheel bag alone is around $89. (yes, even the one90 wheel bag).

I play 4 days in a row during winter and I think this bag is perfect for a guy like me, my equipment never really has a chance to dry cause I use it so much. With the bag, I don't even have to take my stuff out of the bag, just leave it in there plug it in and a few hrs later, it's dry and odors are gone. Now, I have to drag my bag out of the car late at night, spread all the equipment out on the living room floor, and hope it's somewhat dry when I need it next morning or at lunchtime. Im hoping with the use of a Wallmart invertor, I never have to take my SD bag out of the car, just use the car battery to dry the stuff on the way home from and to the rink. :D Only time wil tell how the D bag performs. We'll see.

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Jimmy, whats the ref bag retail for? Im thinking that might be the way to go, since i dont need that rolling fortress.

The ref bag is way cheaper, I don't recall what it retails for. I'm not at the shop so I cant check. For those who don't use or have bulky shoulder pads/equipment, I think the ref bag may work for them.

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I am amazed. I have found my next bag. Perfect timing considering that I'm in the market for one right now.

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I Think $129 for the bag and $59 for the power pack is the suggested retail price. Not bad considering a good 40" wheel bag alone is around $89. (yes, even the one90 wheel bag).

I play 4 days in a row during winter and I think this bag is perfect for a guy like me, my equipment never really has a chance to dry cause I use it so much. With the bag, I don't even have to take my stuff out of the bag, just leave it in there plug it in and a few hrs later, it's dry and odors are gone. Now, I have to drag my bag out of the car late at night, spread all the equipment out on the living room floor, and hope it's somewhat dry when I need it next morning or at lunchtime. Im hoping with the use of a Wallmart invertor, I never have to take my SD bag out of the car, just use the car battery to dry the stuff on the way home from and to the rink. :D Only time wil tell how the D bag performs. We'll see.

I hear ya brother. I play 7 times a week and this would be perfect for me.


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