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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pick up in Chicago...

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I'm going to be in Chicago for the next 3 days and I was thinking about getting in on a pick up game on tuesday at JIH -- what's the skill level like? I haven't played ina while and am still very rough on my feet -- Shoudl I bring my stuff?

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Im pretty sure thats the one they crammed right downtown and its extremely cramped up! I could be wrong but im pretty sure. The rink is on the second floor witch is incredable and the lkrm's are about the size of my bathroom's.

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Lately I've been playing at All Seasons ice rinks and that has been pretty good so far. I've only been tuesdays but turnout is usually good. Sometimes enough for a few lines each team for scrimage and others like last week just 8 people and no goalies. It's about 30 miles from downtown Chicago if you have the chance to get out there a tuesday or thursday.


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Well, I played pick up at Johnny's this morning and must say I had a really good time. About 16 skaters and 4 goalies showed up, so we had good numbers, skills ranged from low C level to some really high quality guys, but everyone played together and just had fun. I had a really good time and met some new people... now if I only didn't have to walk 19 blocks cumulative with my beast of a bag on my shoulder =P

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In Chicago they have these things called Taxi's...

Also, as I recall, that's not really a place that you want to be walking. Maybe it's alright in the morning, but not at night.

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In Chicago they have these things called Taxi's...

Also, as I recall, that's not really a place that you want to be walking. Maybe it's alright in the morning, but not at night.

Hes got sticks with hooks on them, whose gona mess with him lol.

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Uhh, 1350 block of Madison is far from a "bad neighborhood" -- and yeah, they have taxis, but I'm a 20 year old college student, I don't have 15$ to drop on a taxi, I'll take the walk -- excercise never hurt anyone.

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Uhh, 1350 block of Madison is far from a "bad neighborhood" -- and yeah, they have taxis, but I'm a 20 year old college student, I don't have 15$ to drop on a taxi, I'll take the walk -- excercise never hurt anyone.

LOL yea, because the hockey game wasnt enough. jp

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I'll give you that, the 1.5 hours of hockey made the walk back that much more difficult...

I realize that I didn't communicate that the blocks I walked were cumulative, IE: in between train rides and transfers, mostly I took the el.

I had to walk 7 blocks from my friends apt to the station, ride that for 8 stops, walk 2 blocks for a transfer, ride that for like 6 stops, walk 3 blocks N, 2 blocks west, and 3 more blocks N -- more or less...

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I'll give you that, the 1.5 hours of hockey made the walk back that much more difficult...

I realize that I didn't communicate that the blocks I walked were cumulative, IE: in between train rides and transfers, mostly I took the el.

I had to walk 7 blocks from my friends apt to the station, ride that for 8 stops, walk 2 blocks for a transfer, ride that for like 6 stops, walk 3 blocks N, 2 blocks west, and 3 more blocks N -- more or less...

Holy sh*t, and I thought walking one block between rinks in Bensonville for Statewars was bad !! :o

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Lol, luckily from my place it's only 1 block to the station and the line goes striaght to the last stop I need instead of transferring -- but, I think I'm getting a backpack bag to substitute my canvas duffle-style bag, which will make it easier.

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Lol, luckily from my place it's only 1 block to the station and the line goes striaght to the last stop I need instead of transferring -- but, I think I'm getting a backpack bag to substitute my canvas duffle-style bag, which will make it easier.

I thought you said your only in Chicago for 3 days though.

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I was in chicago from sunday-tuesday -- but I'm moving there in 2 weeks. I was up there for orientation for school. My lease starts Aug 1.

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