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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Choosing the right flex

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  wickedwrister said:
This is not just sticks, it's everything. Hockey equipment (ALL of it) is pp. The longer I am on this board I see we entertain every question about "What's right for me?". Unless we are dealing with a guy/ gal that has NEVER played hockey before, why do we create 3-4 pages about what's right for them? What we really do is promote "What's right for us" with our comments (most of the time). There is no absolute about anything. Sorry for the rant.
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well said. i think Pro Shop Mgrs and up typically can speak for a broader audience, but most players are speaking form THEIR pp. so many of the questions that start these threads just flame everybody up. players should try all types of things anduse what they feel is best for them. talking to KNOWLEDGABLE pro shop staff will best explain all the differences and will help the player best determine what suits his / her style of game best.

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  cobrAA said:
weird because i didn't experiment this with my r2xn10 using it 3x a week, for 12 month.
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My R2XN10s aren't as crisp as they used to be but haven't degraded as much as that one OPS.

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