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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok inline 8k

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I was wondering if anyone has used a pair of the reebok inline 8k's. I was thinking about buying a pair and wanted to know what people think about them. specifically I am looking for how much ankle support they give you.

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I've had a pair for quite some time now and they're the best fitting skates I've had. They're fairly stiff skates and in terms of ankle support, that's mainly what the pump is for. You can make it as tight or loose around the ankle as needed. As long as they fit you, it's a wise investment.

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I wouldn't buy them. They have the Pump which is kind of novel, but other than that, the quarters/outsole/chassis are low quality for that price level. RBK also doesn't support roller hockey as a sport according to some people on MSH. I'd look at Mission or convert an ice boot.

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Besides the chassis which isn't top end (mg) like on some of the other brands, there is absolutly nothing wrong with the material used on the 8k's.

The money you give to Mission goes to a guy like Pat lee's free equipment, so don't be so sacred.

If you buy a pair of skates, it should be for your own sake, not what the company supports (or doesn't support)...

If Mission skates fit you well buy them, if Rbk fit you well then buy them, you should only concentrate on yourself when you buy a pair of skates...

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I really don't think that spending $500 on this skate is a wise investment. The chassis should've been a magnesium alloy and the bearings could definetely use an upgrade. Abec-7 mini bearings? I'm sure Reebok could've done better there... I've used a set of the Rink Rat MB816 wheels and didn't like the way they felt in comparison to the other Rink Rats; that's just my opinion though. The only thing that sets this skate apart from the rest is the pump chamber in the ankle. If you're that crazy about spending $500 on the pump alone, then have at it. If you really don't like spending time breaking in your skates and want something different, then have at it. Otherwise, I'd avoid it. Over priced and underachieving.

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Besides the chassis which isn't top end (mg) like on some of the other brands, there is absolutly nothing wrong with the material used on the 8k's.

The money you give to Mission goes to a guy like Pat lee's free equipment, so don't be so sacred.

If you buy a pair of skates, it should be for your own sake, not what the company supports (or doesn't support)...

If Mission skates fit you well buy them, if Rbk fit you well then buy them, you should only concentrate on yourself when you buy a pair of skates...

The first sign of less than desirable quality for me in a top tier (price being the criterion) RH is skate is a non-carbon outsole... I think those Rink Rats are top of the line wheels right now, though, save for the Zero G's.

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Have you even tried those Rink Rat wheels? The hub on those things are beastly huge! Because of that, there is very little flex in the wheel and that translates into a very small contact patch; in layman's terms, you slide a heck of a lot further than you want to when stopping. Look at the reviews on that wheel on epuck.com. Dissatisfied consumers for the most part. Spending $12 retail on that wheel isn't in my wallet for that kind of performance. Yeah, the wheels are on special for $4.95, but why in the world would they slash the price so much? Not a top performing light-weight wheel.

As for the Zero G's, durability is a serious question. Who in their right mind would spend $20 (do the math for a full set of wheels) on a wheel that is going to be in shreds in a matter of weeks? Hot Shots, Hornets, Revisions, and Trinities are the top performing wheels, period. Sacrificing quality for weight isn't logical. You're better off adding a few ounces and having better gripping, more durable wheels.

I'm sorry for my extended rant, but inline hockey wheels are something that I'm passionate about. :lol:

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Hi guys, I actually own a pair of ccm pf10's and rbk8k inline's. So here is my opinion on them. Let me first say that I love the tri chassis set up and use r/rat 62/80a hornets (coated concrete floor and I am 225lbs) I prefer the outer boot of the rbk and the inner of the pf10, I feel that I get better support from the foam in the ankle area of the pf10 than the pump gives me in the 8k. The pump just seems to push my foot foward and I loose circulation in my feet and the boot is difficult to keep tight on my foot meaning that no matter how tight I lace the 8K boot and then use the pump after the first period the boots are loose, I know that it could be a combination of the lace lock slipping or the laces stretching however I did not experiecnce that with the pf10's. Still a great skate but not for the retail asking price. This is just my opinion.

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Hi guys, I actually own a pair of ccm pf10's and rbk8k inline's. So here is my opinion on them. Let me first say that I love the tri chassis set up and use r/rat 62/80a hornets (coated concrete floor and I am 225lbs) I prefer the outer boot of the rbk and the inner of the pf10, I feel that I get better support from the foam in the ankle area of the pf10 than the pump gives me in the 8k. The pump just seems to push my foot foward and I loose circulation in my feet and the boot is difficult to keep tight on my foot meaning that no matter how tight I lace the 8K boot and then use the pump after the first period the boots are loose, I know that it could be a combination of the lace lock slipping or the laces stretching however I did not experiecnce that with the pf10's. Still a great skate but not for the retail asking price. This is just my opinion.

Maybe the problem with the 8k's staying tight is with the pump chamber decompressing? have you tried just pumping them between periods or at stoppages of play?

If not you could try waxed laces.

Back on topic, I never really saw the CCM/RBK inlines as all that high quality as THC focuses a lot of energy into Ice and roller seems to be kind of an afterthought, especially after the flop that was the externo line. If it wasn't for mission's patent, I'm sure the Tri-Di chassis wouldn't even exist. The boots just look and feel cheapy (although i haven't seen the PF 10s or 8Ks) and the chassis looks like a hunk of junk that will snap in a few months. (I'm a heavy guy and hard on my skates) Also, as stated before, the outsole leaves much to be desired. The good thing about them is that they come with Rink Rats on them when new.

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It is funny how you say the chassis looks cheap and junky, here at my rink I have personally seen three quatro chassis crack 10k and 9500k no problem with ccm chassis's. Yes I do wear waxed laces and you mayby right about the pump chamber slightly deflating, last night I just gave them a few quick pumps between shifts and they did not seem to be as noticalbly loose. It is a shame that you have not seen either skate in the flesh so to speek because the I really like the outside material they have made the 8k boot from, great abrasion resistance, thanks

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the only one's i've had a really good look at were the pf 6, which a few teammates had, and it was a 6000 series 2 piece chassis if i'm not mistaken.

I need something solid, like the 7000 series Extruded hum'er on my beemers. Those chassis are tanks.

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Patrick, I don't understand your question, I have seen and skated in the 6k skate and the difference in boot features between the 6k and 8k are huge, you just can not compare them. thanks

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