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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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As part of a recent upgrade, PokerChamps has performed a system change that begins the process of moving to a new platform. We have also incorporated geo-location software which enables us to implement a long standing and consistent Group Company policy of not permitting access to individuals in specific target countries. This applies to individuals from the United States, China and Japan.

You have been identified as residing in one of those countries. However if you believe we are mistaken as to your country of residence, please contact us on support@pokerchamps.com

Unfortunately this means you are no longer able to use your pokerchamps account or open a new pokerchamps account. Pokerchamps is sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, and will endeavour to make the process of account closure and funds withdrawal as painless as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team on support@pokerchamps.com

Kind regards,

The PokerChamps Team

Im really confused on what they did, did they just block us players from China, Japan and U.S. ?? I have no clue why they decided to do this. Anyone help me out please, I played on champs everynight and miss those freerolls! :( :unsure:

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A few sites are banning US customers due to the pending bill in Congress. I know EuroBet was one of them. Not a whole lot you can do about it. Switch to another site. Theres a ton out there that still offer many freerolls. PM me if you want more details.

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