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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Moldable footbed on ONE90

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I was wondering if the one90 has a footbed that's moldable to the bottom of your foot the same way the KOR skates are. I'm making a decision between the two, and I don't want to have drive an hour and a half for what's likely the price difference between the skates if the ONE90 has a moldable footbed. Thanks.

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I don't know for you, but for me, i wouldn't care very much if the footbed is moldable or not! There so much more important factor than this and also does it really feel a difference to have your foot molded on a 1cm thick footbed?

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the one90 insole is around a mm thick at most...it's not really moldable. I actually put some shockdoctors in mine. If you heat mold them with them in the skates, yes I guess they will comform to your foot as much as possible. The insole isn't really an issue when molding the skate, it is the entire boot.

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the one90 insole is around a mm thick at most...it's not really moldable. I actually put some shockdoctors in mine. If you heat mold them with them in the skates, yes I guess they will comform to your foot as much as possible. The insole isn't really an issue when molding the skate, it is the entire boot.

Isn't the foodbed the piece on the bottom of your skate... you're thinking of the insole aren't you?

Anyhow, I just want a skate with the arch and everything on it moldable, if someone who knows can point me in the right direction, it would be great.

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