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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Pain Youve Ever Felt?

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We had a guy come in to the ER a couple months ago who had been trying to clear a jam in his nail gun and managed to nail his yambag to his leg.  I'd venture to say it hurt me and the doc more to looking at it then it did him! It makes for an interesting story when you walk out of the exam room back to the nurses' station with your hand on your junk.  ;)

A little off topic but speaking of nail guns. About 5 years ago was working in the trauma ICU andI got word we were getting an "interesting" case in. The guy had used a nail gun to shoot 16 nails into his skull and was missing a hand. Turns out he tried to kill himself with the nails and since that didn't work he used the circular saw to cut off his hand to hopefully bleed to death.

Jeez, was this guy a pysch outpatient?

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We had a guy come in to the ER a couple months ago who had been trying to clear a jam in his nail gun and managed to nail his yambag to his leg.  I'd venture to say it hurt me and the doc more to looking at it then it did him! It makes for an interesting story when you walk out of the exam room back to the nurses' station with your hand on your junk.  ;)

A little off topic but speaking of nail guns. About 5 years ago was working in the trauma ICU andI got word we were getting an "interesting" case in. The guy had used a nail gun to shoot 16 nails into his skull and was missing a hand. Turns out he tried to kill himself with the nails and since that didn't work he used the circular saw to cut off his hand to hopefully bleed to death.

Jeez, was this guy a pysch outpatient?

Naw, I think he was totally with it...

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A little gross...

I had wings for lunch today. Let's just put it this way...they digested quickly. Quickly as in...when I got back to work, I ran into the office from the car.

Here comes the pain. There is a problem with the water main and there is no water in our building right now. I live 30 minutes from work, so that isn't an option either. Someone already killed the bathroom here, without flushing (no water), so I can't dump and run.

Gotta run... :blink:

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We had a guy come in to the ER a couple months ago who had been trying to clear a jam in his nail gun and managed to nail his yambag to his leg.  I'd venture to say it hurt me and the doc more to looking at it then it did him! It makes for an interesting story when you walk out of the exam room back to the nurses' station with your hand on your junk.  ;)

A little off topic but speaking of nail guns. About 5 years ago was working in the trauma ICU andI got word we were getting an "interesting" case in. The guy had used a nail gun to shoot 16 nails into his skull and was missing a hand. Turns out he tried to kill himself with the nails and since that didn't work he used the circular saw to cut off his hand to hopefully bleed to death.

Jeez, was this guy a pysch outpatient?

Naw, I think he was totally with it...

That wasn't what I was asking, slick.

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We had a guy come in to the ER a couple months ago who had been trying to clear a jam in his nail gun and managed to nail his yambag to his leg.  I'd venture to say it hurt me and the doc more to looking at it then it did him! It makes for an interesting story when you walk out of the exam room back to the nurses' station with your hand on your junk.  ;)

A little off topic but speaking of nail guns. About 5 years ago was working in the trauma ICU andI got word we were getting an "interesting" case in. The guy had used a nail gun to shoot 16 nails into his skull and was missing a hand. Turns out he tried to kill himself with the nails and since that didn't work he used the circular saw to cut off his hand to hopefully bleed to death.

Jeez, was this guy a pysch outpatient?

Naw, I think he was totally with it...

That wasn't what I was asking, slick.

Hmm... yet another day where sarcasm isn't being picked up online...

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Fortunately, Ive never experienced any real excrutiating pain but my most painful experience would probably be breaking my collar bone. It hurt to move.

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