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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 609 to S500

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I have a pair of S500s I'd like to be able to use as a backup pair to my 609s. I would like the forward lean to be close to my 609s. It doesn't have to be exact, but I hope to minimize any adjustment period. Is there a setting on the Pitch holder (+1 ?) that will be close, or should I give my sharpener extra profiling instructions ? (I will already be having him put on the same radius).


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  NuggyBuggy said:
I have a pair of S500s I'd like to be able to use as a backup pair to my 609s. I would like the forward lean to be close to my 609s. It doesn't have to be exact, but I hope to minimize any adjustment period. Is there a setting on the Pitch holder (+1 ?) that will be close, or should I give my sharpener extra profiling instructions ? (I will already be having him put on the same radius).


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Well to be the same as your 609 you would need it set at Plus 1 and need a 11 foot profile on there. If your skate holder is 280 and up it should have an 11 on it if not and its smaller it will be a 10. or 9 if its a 263 or smaller. on the pitch!

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  oldtrainerguy28 said:
Well to be the same as your 609 you would need it set at Plus 1 and need a 11 foot profile on there. If your skate holder is 280 and up it should have an 11 on it if not and its smaller it will be a 10. or 9 if its a 263 or smaller. on the pitch!
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Thanks, I didn't mention that I already had my sharpener put a 9' profile on my 609s (254 IIRC) and will have my sharpener put the same on the Missions (also 254). I read your earlier post that indicates Mission puts a 9' on 254s but my sharpener has told me that I should not trust stock radiuses to be very consistent at all. Since I am getting the skates profiled anyways I figured it was a good time to make sure the forward lean is close between the two skates if the +1 doesn't get me close enough.

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