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So What's The Deal With Tackla?

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i find the rbk 8ks feel like my pair of tackla 1000 but i am probably going to replace my tacklas with a custom pair of tacklas but not sure cause i still love my 1000 after atleast 8yrs of usage there still great.

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I just got Mission L5's.. I've only worn them in one game so far but they sure felt better at the end of the game after I got adjusted to them. my other pants are ccm 652's that are a couple years old and nicely broken in,, so the L5's felt stiffer obviously, but I think as they break in they will be nice, has great ventilation... well thats my 2 cents on the L5's b/c someone mentioned them earlier

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Let me see if I can narrow it down for everyone. I'm looking at Tackla 4400 and Mission L5 or L7 right now. Some of you may not have experience with the 4400. What about the missions?

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Let me see if I can narrow it down for everyone. I'm looking at Tackla 4400 and Mission L5 or L7 right now. Some of you may not have experience with the 4400. What about the missions?

4400 is a canadian-only model, I haven't checked them out.

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I inherited a pair of Tackla's, used them for 3 years, and have recently moved on to a Bauer Vapor girdle. While I prefer the lightness and increased mobility of my girdle, the Tackla's feel far more solid and dependable when called upon as opposed to the girdle. But hey, all I need is a girdle for my (low) level of play so this suits me fine.

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rbk pants arent bulky at all.

Let me disagree with you. The new RBK 8Ks are some of the most bulky things around right now. I didn't buy them for that reason alone.

I bought a pair of Mission L5's about a month ago. I've skated maybe 20x with them and LOVE them. Great price, good mobility, adequate protection, you have your "back covered" w/out the stupid "rollbar" that some of the Nikes? used to have. I'm 6'1" and weight 190. I don't fall much, and for me the L5 is the perfect pant.

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rbk pants arent bulky at all.

Let me disagree with you. The new RBK 8Ks are some of the most bulky things around right now. I didn't buy them for that reason alone.

I bought a pair of Mission L5's about a month ago. I've skated maybe 20x with them and LOVE them. Great price, good mobility, adequate protection, you have your "back covered" w/out the stupid "rollbar" that some of the Nikes? used to have. I'm 6'1" and weight 190. I don't fall much, and for me the L5 is the perfect pant.

Hey gavin did you ever give the Mission L7 pant a look? What made you go with the L5?

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Hey gavin did you ever give the Mission L7 pant a look? What made you go with the L5?

Um the L7's weren't in the shop so I couldn't give them a look, the dude (Gavin at Sin Bin in Sherwood Park) was really nice and sold the L5's at cost to me, and last but not least, I don't know what the L7's would give me that the L5's don't have. Cargo pockets? More padding? I don't need either.

The L5's are great. Enough protection for the NHL.

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I bought a pair of Tackla's. Most durable pants i've ever worn and pretty comfortable too.. After a few years use they still looked to be in decent shape.

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I have used a pair of Tacklas for approx. 8 years and they are still in good shape, really liked them just grew out of them. They don't call it Beer League for no reason. I recently bought a pair of RBK 6K pants and I hate them. They are very bulky and the adjustable legs are inconvenient to say the least. After adjusting the legs a few times it looked as if the velcro was ready to rip from the pant material.

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