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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission He10K and Wicked 1 comparison ...

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Here is an animation showing the transition between the He10K and the upcoming Wicked 1 (original pictures from the InlineWarehouse web site). I added green dots to materialize the axles position and a green line for the floor level.

If someone has enough free time to do so, it would be interesting to do a single animation showing the transition between all the top-class skates of a given brand, to compare the evolutions.

[be patient : it takes a while to display the 1mb animated gif]


Imho, the biggest difference may not be the chassis, but the boot. Looks pretty similar to Mission's "Golden Age" designs. Now I really want it bad ...

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BrunoZ,that is very cool how you put that together,great job.and i did get a chance to see the new wicked skates in the mission booklet for 07 at my Lhs,they look like a nice line for 07 but i want to see the goods up close.

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Indeed it seems to be higher, and wrapping around the ankle more than the current line. Just like the pre-2002 lines, if I remember properly. Just up to my taste.

My only concern on the W1 is the bigger hole at the rear of the chassis, I don't see the point of making it so big (except the look, as the front holes are big too, and 2 or 3 grams), I'm afraid that it makes it weak under the heel. Now the chassis is only linked there by 4 tiny arms (and longer than on the 10K). I would feel 10 times better if that hole wasn't there (I've seen a Mission chassis warping at that point, a few years ago, heavy player though).

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Here is an animation showing the transition between the He10K and the upcoming Wicked 1 (original pictures from the InlineWarehouse web site). I added green dots to materialize the axles position and a green line for the floor level.

If someone has enough free time to do so, it would be interesting to do a single animation showing the transition between all the top-class skates of a given brand, to compare the evolutions.

[be patient : it takes a while to display the 1mb animated gif]


Imho, the biggest difference may not be the chassis, but the boot. Looks pretty similar to Mission's "Golden Age" designs. Now I really want it bad ...

I'm not sure, but besides the boot looking like vintage Mission (and the Tour Fishbone), it's a 76/80 instead of 72/80.

Looks a bit like the early Fly too. Better!!

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@THockey17 : size and angle are the same, the skates are just quite different. Notice that the rear axles are exactly (well, as best as I could) aligned. The chassis being different, the front wheels are of course not aligned (76mm instead of 72mm). The point was to compare the shape of the boot, which is quite different indeed.

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Hey, I really looked at it, and has the forward tilt in the top laces that Mission pioneered. I think it was designed to lengthen your stride on the back side. Like the OG Proro V.

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The biggest difference is the top three eyelets and their position, the tendon guard, and the boot is built on a slightly different last (wider in the forefoot)....

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