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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Seelanders tournament in Bienne

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Hey I've been invited to play in the seelanders tournament in Bienne coming up. Mens age group.

Just wondering if any guys here ( mainly the european players ) are going to be playing?

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Nope, we have playoffs around here.

But i know the venue.

Outdoors on Tarmac. In a beatiful Mountain scenery. Remember Outdoor wheels & A Replacement Blade ala, Rbk 3K, Koho 4440, Sheerwood 405abs etc...

If it rains, they don't cancel anything, you still play!

As a side info: Bienne/Biel is one of the most famous Boarder towns in Switzerland when it comes to language. Half of the Town speaks German the other half French. Ofcourse the inhabitents understand both, but still kinda wacky.

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hey ash norton cyclones were going to go out in the junior division but we had heard that there teams were a little on the violent side on and off the pitch not just with the checking and stuff but parents threatening players with knifes and stuff and players breaking legs because seelanders players were jumping on thenm. but i know our senior team has been before and the tournament is ok except from its out side with no plexiglass

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What's the best team you guy's have seen play in the sport?

In regards to the comment about Swizz parents threatning players with knives, that whole post is just ludacris.

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