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Hockey in Hawaii

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first off, does anyone from here live in hawaii?

i'm moving to Ewa beach, Oahu with some family that lives out there for college.

i've done some research and i guess the "ice palace" is the only rink on the south shore . And im just wondering if anyone is in the adult league there, and if they are any good. I know the rink is pretty close to the military bases so there is a chance of a few good players out there... maybe.

basically i'm just wondering what i should expect to see when i get there.

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I spent Spring Break in Waipahu, near Ewa Beach, and I have a close friend stationed at Schofield. While I was there, I asked him about hockey, and he said that the Ice Palace was the only rink he knew about, and he knew of a couple guys who play in a recreational mens leauge who are alright. His roommate is from Minnesota and goes to drop in at that rink.

I haven't actually seen anyone play there, but I would expect a wide range of talent. You'll undoubtedly find some hardcore hockey guys out of traditional hockey areas who are stationed at military bases on the island. With the schedule those military guys have, I don't know if they play in mens leagues or just go to drop in.

Have fun living in Hawaii. If I had went to Hawaii for college, It would've taken me about 12 years to finish undergrad.

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i was born and raised here in hawaii, Kaimuki area on the island of O'ahu......yes, Ice Palace is the only rink on the island, let alone the entire state.....there are some very good players here, both local boyz and guys from the mainland...the rink, however, is terrible and doesn't care much for the hockey players (junk ice times, and games will be cancelled if they have rink rentals and what not)

at any rate, just pm or post in here if you have any questions

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I didn't know there hockey in Hawaii must be a killer to keep the rinks cold in such hot weather...

Dont stae the obvious ;)

thats about 4 threads ive read and you have done the same thing.

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I didn't know there hockey in Hawaii must be a killer to keep the rinks cold in such hot weather...

its just as hot in florida and all the other southern states.....

but im sure the rink probably does suck, i just want to be able to keep my hockey game in shape so i dont suck for the rest of my life.

I was just wondering if there was a pretty organized adult league to play in.

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