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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mpeg,avi to dvd format?

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Hey, is their a way to turn your mpeg into dvd format, so every dvd reader could read it? I mean it not all dvd that accept mpg,avi and mpeg.

So is there a easy program to convert them? would just using nero recode do the job?


P.S Vapor: Please don't tell me if i had a mac i could use toast platinum in 2 easy click... :lol:

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Nero would probably be your best bet. Its the one I know people use the most. I have a dvd player that plays avi format so I just burn data discs and play them, its awesome. I can get 7 or 8 movies on one blank dvd-rw and never have to buy another blank disc. But since thats not an option for you using Nero to recode them to a DVD format would be your best option.

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Hey, is their a way to turn your mpeg into dvd format, so every dvd reader could read it? I mean it not all dvd that accept mpg,avi and mpeg.

So is there a easy program to convert them? would just using nero recode do the job?


P.S Vapor: Please don't tell me if i had a mac i could use toast platinum in 2 easy click... :lol:

you could, you reallllly could, you can use handbreak too. DVD format is mpeg. DVDs use MPEG 2 compression.

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