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JP Dumont gets 1 yr $2.9 mil arbitration ruling

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Buffalo Sabres forward J.P. Dumont has been awarded a one-year, $2.9 million contract in arbitration, according to reports.

Dumont made $1.596 million last season, scoring 20 goals and 40 points in 54 games.

The Sabres have 48 hours after their final arbitration hearing with centre Adam Mair to make a decision on the award. If the Sabres reject the ruling, he becomes an unrestricted free agent

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Don't know if the Sabres can afford him. Seems like everyone is due for a big raise and I don't think he's that high on the priority list. Sure would be a great fit with alot of teams though.

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Don't know if the Sabres can afford him. Seems like everyone is due for a big raise and I don't think he's that high on the priority list. Sure would be a great fit with alot of teams though.

If I'm not mistaken he'll be a UFA next season. Seems like a prime candidate for trading.

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