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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ants in my kitchen

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Okay...I got ants in my kitchen. Just noticed it tonight....I don't see/feel/smell anything on the floor that is attracting them...I thought maybe my recycling container had some pop spilled in it or something...so I emptied it and rinsed it out...

Anyone know any way to kill/control them until tomorrow when I can get some Raid/ant traps...Any household stuff (detergent etc) that will kill ants?

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Lysol and a lighter.

Dark and Crispy

The ants...AND my kitchen floor.

Anyone got anything that WON'T potentially burn down my building? :rolleyes:

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Lysol and a lighter.

Dark and Crispy

The ants...AND my kitchen floor.

Anyone got anything that WON'T potentially burn down my building? :rolleyes:

We've had the same problem around the kitchen, so my mother puts out the good old tin foil and Raid. It actually works pretty good.

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You can sweep em off the floor and out the door. In SoCal in the hills where I live, they can get so bad you want to give em the house and split. Like fill up your fridge--and freezer. How???

I went through a period six weeks ago I had to take a wet paper towel to the sink area and the widow sills for ten minutes every morning when I got up. God Damn Ant Walk!!

Follow them to their hole and soak the sucker!!

There's also little discs they like to go in and then they take the stuff home with them and It KILLS at home.

Check out the ant pannel at http://letterstoawildboar.comicgenesis.com/d/20060726.html

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Okay...I got ants in my kitchen. Just noticed it tonight....I don't see/feel/smell anything on the floor that is attracting them...I thought maybe my recycling container had some pop spilled in it or something...so I emptied it and rinsed it out...

Anyone know any way to kill/control them until tomorrow when I can get some Raid/ant traps...Any household stuff (detergent etc) that will kill ants?

squash 'em.

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Okay...I got ants in my kitchen. Just noticed it tonight....I don't see/feel/smell anything on the floor that is attracting them...I thought maybe my recycling container had some pop spilled in it or something...so I emptied it and rinsed it out...

Anyone know any way to kill/control them until tomorrow when I can get some Raid/ant traps...Any household stuff (detergent etc) that will kill ants?

squash 'em.

Yeah...I kinda tried that....I thought I got them all...

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follow em back to their nest... shout 'bunker' (a-la StarTroopers)... maybe fill up the hole with lighter fliud or something, thne just light the bast@rd....

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unfortunately you can't kill them all. find out what food source is attracting them and keep it covered/cleaned up. if there's nothign to attract them, after a while, they'll stop coming.

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i ahd carpenter ants in my kitchen and they kept coming out and out it was so annoying and gross. Called the exterminator and it turns out there was one or two queen ants plus an ant spawn inside my wall above the kitchen windows. He stuck a tube in there, pumped some powder poison and they were falling out within seconds and my kitchen floor was coveed in ants.

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Pour some honey down the hole, I know ants probobly like honey but I plugs up their hole well and they don't seem to be able to do anything about it for a few days

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Go get one of those electrical devices you plug into an outlet, they send an ultrasonic signal and it messes up their feeding pattern. I have one in my kitchen as well, had it for about 3 years and haven't seen an ant or spider since. We had alot of rain here this spring and they started popping up in the bathroom, got another one and plugged it in there and they are gone as well. You can probally go to ant hardware store and pick one up. They have models that are supposed to keep small rodents like mice and such away too.

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To win the battle against an ant infestation you have to kill the queen ant as she will just lay eggs and new ants will hatch until she is dead meat. They sell some drops that you put near where you see them all the time. Put some of these down on the surface you see them the most and watch the colony come out all at once to feed. They will circle the drop and eat/drink from it like a pack of lions around a water hole. Then they'll walk back to the nest and feed the young ones and the queen with the poison they just ingested. It will kill all the colony. Then you have to find out where they are coming in, in order to fix the problem once and for all. If a colony is killed it will more than likely be replaced by another one if things are not fixed. Sometimes it's just a matter of leaving the door open a tad bit too long and in walks the queen and some friends, they settle down somewhere and feed of your crumbs and shit. So chances are that the drops will get rid of them forever if they came in that way.

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