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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Richmond Ice Center Drop In Hockey

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Has anyone played drop in at Richmond Ice Center?

Whats the competition like?

Do ppl actually show up to the early morning drop ins that are free?

Any input would be appreciated thanks!

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The Richmond Ice Centre early morning drop in is pretty good hockey. Most are regulars and it fills up. Too bad the ice sucks.

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just went today

was very suprised at even its summer, still full bench and 2 goalie

usually during the summer its just half benchs and 1 goalie, and during the season its like, max 4 goalies and more than just a full bench.

competition's not that great, sometimes theres a few good guys, mostly its really good fun.

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The Bantam/midget level drop in at Richmond ice is really good and pretty fast pace i would say as mostly rep players come out and its almost always full, especially thursday nights. It seems to hv gained popularity as im a regular at drop-in and it has attracted players from delta, vancouver etc.

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