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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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greatest hockey higlight of your life?

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3. (Long long time ago..) When I scored first 1 on 1 breakway goal, also game winning goal 3-2.

(I changed my position into D)

2. Last year's league When I scored First goal as a D-man, slapshot, tied game 2-2

(It was a perfect dayview, 1goal 1assist)

1. Last year's league: When I scored overtime, game winning goal, at the semi-final: Blueline, Slapshot 4-3. (Actually, I cried (T.T), Later, we advenced but we lost in final 7-2.. crap.. )

(the goalie was dumb though.. I was a bit lucky)

Pretty good for someone who hasn't even switched positions yet.

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Watching the 'kid' I put in skates and equipment from the age of nine bring home 2 back-to-back Stanley Cups.

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