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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody know what the Mission blade colors mean?

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I'm looking at some cheap tapered blades at Hockey Monkey:


I have some broken OPS I like to use, and $5 a blade is a lot nicer than $45. The problem is that I can't find what blade patterns correspond to the colors. I think the Red is a mid curve, but that's it. Anybody have any idea what the other colors are? Or even a better place to find cheap tapered blades?

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Do a search it was discussed a while back. I think JR and Chadd had most of them in mind so if they see your thread they might help as well.

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Sometimes...old "cheap" wood blades are "dried out" (can't think of a better wood) and they become brittle and break quickly. In the long run, it might not be worth your $5.

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i still think 4 blades at 5 will last longer than 1 at 20..i may also be wrong lol

but by the way he talk, i tihnk he will use these blade as back-up.

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Sometimes...old "cheap" wood blades are "dried out" (can't think of a better wood) and they become brittle and break quickly. In the long run, it might not be worth your $5.

Perhaps steam them quickly as if you were cooking hotdogs or vegetables that way?

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