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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T. Pastrana

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anyone know whether he's still using the 125 or has he gone up to a 250?

I haven't really paid attention to moto in a few years.

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that was unreal...I didn't watch it live but saw the highlights. Has anyone even attempted it in competition? I know its never been done, so if someon attempted it, that must have been ugly.

I'm ALMOST more impressed by the guy last year who let go of his bike, did a corkscrew in mid air without holding anything, and then grabbed his bike again. That move in my mind could only have been beaten by the double backflip

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that was unreal...I didn't watch it live but saw the highlights. Has anyone even attempted it in competition? I know its never been done, so if someon attempted it, that must have been ugly.

I'm ALMOST more impressed by the guy last year who let go of his bike, did a corkscrew in mid air without holding anything, and then grabbed his bike again. That move in my mind could only have been beaten by the double backflip

Chuck Carothers, body varial. Or i think some call it the Carolla or something like that.

Anyways, that trick was pretty insane, I havn't seen anyone do it since he did.

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anyone know whether he's still using the 125 or has he gone up to a 250?

I haven't really paid attention to moto in a few years.

I'm pretty sure they all use 250s, and all of them are two strokes except for Bilco's, for those that understand that.

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