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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick problems

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The blade on my ccm vector v120 has been shredding lately all of the paint and materials are starting to peel off my blade and the warranty has run out i was wondering if i could heat up the blade and pull it out of the shaft then make it into a two piece. has this happend to anybody before if so what did you do

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I just saw a Rebellion stick at my local shop. Same blade pattern as you described. I can see how your daughter has problems. The lie on the blade is very high, like maybe a 6. I compared it to a Recchi blade and there was a pretty substantial difference. The Rebellion blade is made for people who play the puck very close to the body, so if you play the puck farther out, or keep a low stance, there's going to be a lot of air under the tip of the blade. Best bet might be to buy a new stick with a Recchi, Modano/Forsberg, or Federov pattern. Some of the older models (like the V100) are pretty cheap.

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I just saw a Rebellion stick at my local shop.  Same blade pattern as you described.  I can see how your daughter has problems.  The lie on the blade is very high, like maybe a 6.  I compared it to a Recchi blade and there was a pretty substantial difference.  The Rebellion blade is made for people who play the puck very close to the body, so if you play the puck farther out, or keep a low stance, there's going to be a lot of air under the tip of the blade.  Best bet might be to buy a new stick with a Recchi, Modano/Forsberg, or Federov pattern.  Some of the older models (like the V100) are pretty cheap.

you got the wrong thread

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I think with all the CCM OPS your going to have to do a lot more work to turn it into a shaft because of the way they are made. So just find the fuse point and cut and then just hollow out that area of shaft with a chisel or a drill.

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