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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thickness of cut OPS

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This may have been covered before, but I couldn't find it. If you've got a OPS that's cut to fit your height, and you break it, ive read you can cut off the blade and put a standard taper blade in the butt end.

My question is, since the stick is cut already to fit your height, wouldnt the "new butt end" of the stick be tapered and feel significantly different than before? From looking at a synergy, it seems the taper goes up the shaft for at least a foot or so.

Anyone who's done this, I'd appreciate some advice. Thanks.

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yes it would be, you could just wrap some tape around the area to make up for the shaft size difference.

Another option you might want to consider is not to flip the shaft around, and to turn it into a tapered shaft, this has been discussed countless times here, so just use the search function.

EDIT- heres one topic thats useful http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=22969&hl=

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ive read you can cut off the blade and put a standard taper blade in the butt end.

Just wanted to clarify that it takes a standard blade in butt end, not a tapered blade.

If you cut for a tapered blade you will likely need to add a butt end to retain the same height.

I've got 3 cut synergies and it doesn't take too long to get used to the tapered fell in your top hand. I actually like it.

The nice thing about the cut OPS that i'm using flipped over is that they have a little bit of extra length over a standard shats, thus I don't need to use a butt end. If the shaft breaks too high and length isn't long enough, but you're still in the tapered area of the shaft, you can just whittle down the tenon of a wood extension plug. I had to do that with my SL shaft.

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