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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX or XXX OPS

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Anyone know where I can get the Vapor XX or Vapor XXX OPS for a good price? I know hockey giant has the XXX for a good price but they do not have the pattern I'm looking for which is PM9.

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http://www.hockeymonkey.com/closeout-bauer-sticks.html XXs and XX max stickums for $90. mostly 112 flex, but lots of curve selection in the XX

http://www.1800faceoff.com/prod_selected.i...1&cat_id_on=227 WinnWell G500s for $109. These are the same as XXXs (both made by Inno) 1800 Faceoff has the XXs and XXXs too, but you need to call for pricing.

Epuck.com has juniors only.

EDIT: Didnt see that you were looking for PM9, and also didnt see that you want 87 or 102. WinnWell MM curve is a modano/forsberg clone (same as PM9/Hossa/now called St. Louis.)

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Didnt want to make a new thread, Does anyone know where to find a p106 87flex right hand xxx lite? They seem to be pretty rare, cant find one :(

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recent events make me question whether hockeygiant likes to honor their prices. I would much rather buy from eastwesthockey

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i will post about it in the good/bad online retail sites thread when everything is resolved, good or bad. Basically they didn't honor their price(said they were sold out) on a pair of skates even though they raised the price and left them on the site for 3 days after I bought them. I sent an email to them and am awaiting a response. I know of someone that bought the skates after I did for the higher price and he has yet to get a call confirming or denying the purchase. I will keep everyone up to date.

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