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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice Time in the GTA

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I've been searching around for some places in the GTA where they have some stick and puck or drop in shinny sessions but can't seem to find many.. I'm north of the GTA but don't mind commuting for a 2hr. session.. I've found the following site so far: www.icesports.com which has a few but looking mainly for evening ice (not midnight either). Have a feeling it may be hard to find due to being prime time ice, but just curious if any GTA'ers know of any good spots..

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If your ok with playing with a private thing I have some info for you that has times for three times a week (Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays) PM me and i'll give you the info and phone numbers.

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I am around the Markham area if you're wondering and I go regularly to icesports scarborough for shinny/stick and puck. The problem with prime time ice is that most of them are designated to leagues (esp in icesports). Time schedule is either 12 pm or 12 am unfortunately

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Yah I am myself looking for some time and I have 3 freinds that play AA and AAA Sr womens that need some ice. So any skates with even younger guys like 17 or so....Etobicoke or Scarborough Ice Sports... I know night time ice is hard but if anyone has any the 4 of us need some ice to get back nto it for the season.

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