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Quick workouts

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Just a question for everybody:

I play beer league a couple times a week and most days I'm stuck in an office in front of a computer. Free time to work out is very limited due to work and family constraints.

What would you guys recommend for quick workouts that would help keep the legs loose and strong.

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Assuming that the building you work in as 5 floors or more and that you work on the fifth floor or higher, I'd take the stairs instead of the elevators. At home, get one of those exercise balls and do core exercises. These exercises call on your balance and most exercies will work all of your bodie's muscles at once or at least very many of them. You can also use the walls at home and do the chair thing where you lay your back on the wall and slide down the wall with your back against it until your legs are at a 90 degree angle, like if you were sitting on a chair, except there is no chair lol.. try to hold that position as long as you can. It will help you strenghten your legs and back amongst other things. Situps and pushups are also very good

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Assuming that the building you work in as 5 floors or more and that you work on the fifth floor or higher, I'd take the stairs instead of the elevators. At home, get one of those exercise balls and do core exercises. These exercises call on your balance and most exercies will work all of your bodie's muscles at once or at least very many of them. You can also use the walls at home and do the chair thing where you lay your back on the wall and slide down the wall with your back against it until your legs are at a 90 degree angle, like if you were sitting on a chair, except there is no chair lol.. try to hold that position as long as you can. It will help you strenghten your legs and back amongst other things. Situps and pushups are also very good

wall sits are what you are talking about. also do the wallsits with an exsercise ball. you put the ball on the wall(yes it ryhmed) and lean on it. get as low as you can

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how much time do you really have? can you spare 45 minutes a day? or can you wake up 45 minutes earlier in the morning?

running up flights of stairs, doing lunges, push ups, chin ups and sit ups are all quick and simple but can provide you with a good work out, prolly in about 30 minutes.

If it was me, i would get up early and run stairs or sprints and do lunges twice a week, and Get up early and do sets of sit ups, chinups, and pull ups twice a week on different days. That way you have a simple upper/lower body split, and its not everyday.

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Theo's workout is similar to mine, and it can be done quickly.

You can also do some barbell work in between domestic duties and chores, 5 min at a time (e.g. A set of squats or power cleans) if you don't mind staying sweaty all day on a weekend day.

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Unfortunatly the stair running is out as I have no stairs

Being on 24hr call makes it difficult to set time aside on a consistent basis'

I try to do lunges at work when I can.

Thanks for the input, I will try to dedicate a lil more time to some lunges with weights as well as deads

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DDR One of the best hockey workouts I've seen! Seriously. Got a PS2? xBox? Get it on eBay.

The skills include:

Stamina - Ability to hit arrows in rapid succession for an extended period of time

Rhythm - Ability to stay on beat throughout the song

Alternation - Ability to alternate feet on each step, leading into more complex steps

Spins - Following a step pattern requiring rotation, where the player must face away from the screen

Crossovers - Being forced to hit the left arrow with the right foot, and vice versa

Candles - Usually rapidly executed steps where the foot must pass over the center square on the dance pad

Gallops - A set of 1/4th and 1/16th or 1/4th and 1/12th (or eighth note triplets) notes in rapid succession

Triplets - One beat, or a fraction of, divided into 3 equal notes. (1/6th, 1/12th, 1/24th, etc.)

Trills - Alternating on two steps that must be hit repeatedly in rapid succession.

Jackhammers (also called jacks) - Steps on one arrow that must be hit rapidly.

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DDR One of the best hockey workouts I've seen! Seriously. Got a PS2? xBox? Get it on eBay.

Not to mention you'll really impress the ladies at the local club with your super groovy new moves! Just don't be jumping on her toes.

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