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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ipod Mini ITRIP

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Any of you guys use the itrip?

Hows the quality and durability of this product?

Just want to know before I purchase one for my car.

Any input is highly appreciated.


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at the local best buy my brother found a sony thing. its a tape with a wire coming out of it that was made to put in headphone jacks. its works well with ipods, just plug in into the headphone jack.

it was only $20.

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I had one and it sucked. it was horrible. I drive a civic and I've heard of other people in other cars having some success but it was worthless in my car. I bought one of these ipod interface took 10 minutes to install can't tell it's there and charges the battery on the ipod to.

I guess I should add I have a friend who has a ford ranger and it worked ok in his... not great but not horrible .. and I'm also still on the 3rd gen ipod so I can't speak about the new ones but I would imagine it would be the same.

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it works fine in both of my cars and one is a civic, i deleted all the frequencies that i know won't work, and i made a playlist with everything but itrip stations so if i want a large mix i won't accidentally change the station. I bet they are cheap now since they are not selling the mini any more so its worth it over some of the wire in adaptors which are still around $100.

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I have an Itrip and I think that it is great. As long as you take the time to read the instructions on how to use it properly you should have no problem. The only thing that you should do is buy the one that comes with a stand because if you leave it in the middle console of your car it will cause it to sound staticie.

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does the iTrip work on stations that actually plays music or talks because my cars its hard to find a static chanel to play it through

no you need the static channels because the output of the itrip isn't enough to overcome a commercial station. Look down in the NPR range (87-91) you should be able to find something that will work down there.

I agree the tape version is better but I haven't had a tape deck in a car for almost 10 years so its not really an option for me. And if used properly the itrip is pretty good.

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