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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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song help

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i workd at a hockey camp this week and there was a song that i dont know the name of. I believe it is by NoFX but im not sure. Its kind of a pump up song. It says oooooohhhh oohhh ooohhhh oooooohhhh in the middle that pretty much all i know. No it is not kernkraft the goal song. Thanks.

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With the amazing description given, I don't know how accurtate my guess will be compared to the description. However it seems like you are describing Zombie Nation by Kernkraft 400. If that is not it, you might want to try as hard as possible to get a little better description. Hope it is this song so you don't have to give another great description lol.


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With the amazing description given, I don't know how accurtate my guess will be compared to the description. However it seems like you are describing Zombie Nation by Kernkraft 400. If that is not it, you might want to try as hard as possible to get a little better description. Hope it is this song so you don't have to give another great description lol.


No it is not kernkraft the goal song.

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haha i have no other description i can give there are drums and a bass guitar that are well heard in it.

sounds like time is running out by muse since it has the ooohing somewhere in the middle to end and the bass & drums are well heard in the song but thats a huge pot shot since you said it was proably NoFX

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