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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spider Bite

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The other day I apparently was bit by a spider in my foot and my foot is pretty swollen. Do I just let it heal on its own or is there anything I can do? Any remedies?

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:o Depends on the spider.

Black Widow-will make you feel like you have a killer case of the flu and would cause it to swell. Usually goes away after 3 or 4 days but the symtoms may stick with you a long time.

Brown Recluse-Nasty shit! The venom is what they call necroptic-it will kill the flesh and tissue near the bite. One of the guys at my work got nailed on the forhead when he put his hard hat on-ended up having to get a skin graft!

I would think that the time for remedy is long past-Keep an eye on it for any red streaks (infection) and puss or oozing fluids( infection also). If the skin around the bite changes appearance too much I would get to the Doc.

Many other spiders and bugs can bite and will usually cause temporary( <3 days ) redness and swelling

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My foot is just swollen. This has happened to me before (In the same exact spot too <_<) and it went away in a couple days. This one just swelled up a bit more so I was making sure

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Hey, how's the foot doing now? Do you know for sure that you were bitten by a spider? Sometimes a staph infection can look similar.

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This has happened to me before (In the same exact spot too <_<)

What are the chances of you getting bit by a spider twice in exactly the same spot? Sounds to me like there's something else going on. I'd get it checked out if I was you.

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