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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Mission and Tour Pants

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For the people who went to State Wars, what do you think of the new Mission and Tour pants. The Tour Pants look sweet but have heard the crotch tore a lot on those pants. The missions look nice too are seem to be pretty tough. I bought a pair of the Missions because they were a good deal.

Just wondering what people's opinions where on them.

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I am old. I played in the Senior Select Division on the Florida 2 team, the good FL team. We had 3 guys from the 87-86 team including their stud goalie, Ryan Novalis. He didn't play that good but we did well given our pretty tough schedule.

We were 3-2 and lost to Costanza's team both times.

I just find it amazing how we were 3-1 and ended up with a 6 seed. The scheduler didn't do a very good job.

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Ok I watched you guys.

Well actually I am not sure which florida team is yours but anyways.

Costanza's team was amazing. Him and Messina tore it up. It didnt even look like Messina was trying.

They lost to NY in the final though 3-1. Good game.

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